Thursday, August 7, 2008

u will love the real Jesus


1 comment:

Jim said...

TheConfused99 Honestly I think the idea of jesus being some kind of hippy is way over touted. He is just as much a contradicting fictional character as anyone else in the bible. If you chose to only look at the better teachings of his then yeah you get the sense that he was some bleeding heart liberal. Jesus' take on the poor was one sided at times, he never spoke out against slavery and can be interpeted to being a racist prick. And the whole fig tree thing, talk about childish.

You speak the truth regarding slavery, even when he had a chance to speak out against it he failed to do so, but give him credit, he did not speak out against homosexuality, abortion or women. As far as the fig tree event, who knows, maybe he had a huge case of the munchies and lost his cool. 8D
Repperil (1 week ago)

Reply you proved nothing. No, a liberal is one who goes away from the status quo. What is the status quo? God's law. The 23rd chapter of Matthew is Jesus speaking to the Pharisees and Saducess (those who had lead the Jews from what the Word actually stated) giving them the "woes." Matthew 5 talks about how the Jews had "heard that it was said." The Leaders mislead the jews to get pwr! Jesus came to shake them from their stupor, to get back to the "weightier matters of the law" Mat 23:23

Netwriter (1 week ago) Show Hide Wait one little minute. Aren't you christians the ones who keep saying that we aren't under the law anymore because of Jesus? Wasn't it the temple leaders who wanted Jesus dead? Read the sermon on the mount and tell me that is the words of Dick Cheney. Didn't Jesus go against stoning the woman for adultery? Didn't he teach against stoning folks for working on the sabbeth? He challenged the law. Jesus was a liberal by both word and action. Your apology fails miserably.

rakshamg (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply The clergy were furious w/ Jesus all the time & many of the people were, too. He challenged the present day order of things. He associated w/ gentiles & tax collectors. He told his disciples when He sent them out to teach, something to the effect of: If they don't listen shake the dust from your sandals & move on. He didn't say: Grab them by the throat & shake them, verbally assault them, berate them, torture them & threaten them.

garysdeskcom (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply Very well said. There is a world of difference between Jesus and many conservative churches. I fear most Christian churches would be all too happy to crucify Jesus if He appeared in their congregation. :-(
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